Summary of the ingredient:SMIT00178

Molecule name Wedelolactone
Molecule formula C16H10O7 Molecule weight 314.26
OB score 49.6021 Type None
CAS id 524-12-9
External Ids PubChem: 5281813TCMID: 22640TCM-ID: 125TCMSP: MOL003404

Overview of the SymMap network for:SMIT00178

  • Herb
  • TCM symptom
  • MM symptom
  • Ingredient
  • Target
  • Disease
Note: All edges between nodes in network are direct associations among these six components.

Overview of the Ingredient network for:SMIT00178

  • Query ingredient
  • QC ingredients
  • Blood ingredients
  • Metabolic ingredients
  • Other Ingredient

Related components for SMIT00178:

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Functional enrichments of genes

Pathways related to: SMIT00178

Biological processes related to: SMIT00178

Molecular functions related to: SMIT00178

Cellular components related to: SMIT00178