Summary of the TCM symptom:SMTS00001

TCM symptom name 嗳气 Symptom pinyin name Ai Qi
Symptom locus 胃肠 Symptom property 胃气上逆
Symptom definition 嗳气(belching)是胃中气体上出咽喉所发出的声响,其声长而缓,俗称“打饱嗝”、“饱嗝”,是各种消化道疾病常见的症状之一。尤其是反流性食管炎、慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡和功能性消化不良等疾病,多伴有嗳气症状。自胃部上升的气体或酸性液体导致嗳气(呃逆)发生,伴有典型的响声。嗳气可因不同病因在持续时间和响度上发生改变。在过去几十年中发生的一些重要事件使人们对功能性胃肠病(FGID)有了更深入的了解。罗马III标准中将功能性胃十二指肠疾病的症状分为3类:功能性消化不良、嗳气和恶心呕吐。嗳气又分为:吞气症和非特异性过度嗳气。

Overview of the SymMap network for:SMTS00001

  • Herb
  • TCM symptom
  • MM symptom
  • Ingredient
  • Target
  • Disease
Note: All edges between nodes in network are direct associations among these six components.

Overview of the Herb-symdrome-symptom network for:SMTS00001

  • Herb
  • Syndrome
  • TCM symptom

Related components for SMTS00001:

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Functional enrichments of genes

Pathways related to: SMTS00001

Biological processes related to: SMTS00001

Molecular functions related to: SMTS00001

Cellular components related to: SMTS00001